Drafting social media posts

Dashworks can assist with the ideation of social media posts to best capture your target audience. Whether it’s coming up with a caption or generating ideas for posts, Dashworks has you covered.

Generating Ideas

  • “I’m struggling to come up with ideas for my social media content about [topic]. Can you brainstorm some ideas with me for [social media platform]?”

  • “Come up with ten social media post ideas for promoting [service].”

  • “I’m looking to promote [service] on social media. Suggest some ideas for social media posts that would help me achieve this goal.”


  • “Suggest a catchy caption for my social media post about [topic].”

  • “Generate a caption that highlights the benefits of [service] for a LinkedIn post.”

  • “Write me a creative caption to showcase my [service/recent client success] on social media.”

Summarizing Reports and Findings

  • Summarize our metrics from last month. Include the number of impressions, views, and clicks. Write in a professional tone and a bulleted form. Use the data here <insert link> .

Promoting Events and Activities

  • Write an announcement for a company's annual team-building event happening today. Express excitement about seeing employees in person and highlight the main aspects of the event, such as engaging conversations, fun activities, and leadership connections.

Last updated