Setup Bot Account

Complete the following steps to set up the Bot Account and create Bots.

1. Create or identify a Bot account

Create a Bot Account, for example, "" You may either create a new Bot account in your email directory (for example, Google Workspace) or use an existing service account that you've previously set up.

2. Add the Bot account to your apps

After creating the Bot Account, invite it to the apps you want it to search. If you want to add Bots to Slack channels and use the Slackbot, make sure also to invite the Bot Account to the Slack workspace.

For instance, if you want Bots to search Confluence and Google Drive, add the Bot Account in both apps. Ensure that the Bot Account is also granted access to the specific content in these apps that you want it to search. These could be specific folders, channels, and docs. Bots can only respond with answers from content the Bot Account can access in the apps.

The Bot Account is a cost-effective way to unlock access to information siloed across apps. For example, if you want the product team to access an app's data but don't want to pay for additional seats, you can grant the Dashworks Bot account access to a seat in the app and add it to a channel with the product team. This way, everyone in the product team can access the app's information they need.

3. Invite the Bot Account as an "Admin" in Dashworks

Click the "Invite" member button in the sidebar and enter the Bot Account email with the "Admin" role to add the account to your Dashworks workspace.

4. Connect the apps from the Dashworks App Store

5. Enable the Bot Account in Workspace Settings

Go to the Bot Account settings and enable the Bot Account.

Last updated