Setup Bot Account

Complete these steps to set up the Bot Account in order to invite the Dashworks Slackbot to Slack and to create custom bots:

1. Identify or create a Bot Account email

Bots require a Bot Account email such as You can reuse an existing service account that you've previously setup (ex. or create a new user account in your user directory (ex. Google Workspace).

In the rest of this guide we'll use the example of to refer to the Bot Account email for simplicity, but this can be any other email that you choose.

Why do I need to setup a Bot Account email?

Dashworks uses the permissions of the apps connected to the Bot Account when answering questions asked in Slack channels or to Bots. The Slackbot can be added to Slack channels with different team members who may have different sets of permissions across apps. The Bot Account lets you centrally manage the search permissions that Dashworks uses when responding in Slack channels, preventing any private information from being shared. Similarly, Bots can be used by anyone in your workspace from the web app. Using a Bot Account ensures you have control over what Dashworks searches and how it behaves when responding to questions asked to different Bots.

Can I just use my personal email as the Bot Account email?

You can, but we do not recommend it. When a question is asked to the Slackbot in a channel, or to Bots on the web app, Dashworks searches the apps connected to the Bot Account. If you use a personal email as the Bot Account this may lead to private information being shared. Using a non-personal Bot Account such as (or an existing service account like helps ensure this doesn't happen.

2. Invite as an "Admin" in Dashworks

Click the "Invite" member button in the sidebar and enter with the "Admin" role to add it to your Dashworks workspace.

3. Login to Dashworks using

We suggest creating a different Chrome or browser profile with the bot account email to make it easier to manage. This will be useful for Step 5.

4. Enable the Bot Account from settings

Now that you're logged in to Dashworks with, go to the Bot Account settings and select "Set as the bot account".

Finally, it's time to grant the Bot Account access to app connections to search from the App Store. This step is crucial since Dashworks only searches the app connections that the Bot Account is connected to when responding in Slack channels or with Bots.

Invite to all the apps that you want Dashworks to search when answering in Slack channels or with Bots. For instance, if you want it to search your Zendesk help center and Confluence wiki, then invite to your Zendesk and Confluence workspaces. Make sure to also invite to your Slack workspace if you are setting up the Slackbot.

You can also reuse existing seats in these apps. For instance, say you have a Zendesk seat assigned to You can connect this to the Bot Account so you don't need to pay for a new seat. Just make sure that the account you connect has permissions to access all the specific docs, folders, threads, projects, etc. that contain the information required to answer questions.

Ensure that you're logged in to the apps with the correct email before approving the app connection. You'll likely be logged in to these apps with your personal account already, so either log out and log back in with the correct email, or connect the integrations from a new profile in your browser. Please contact if you have any questions or run into any issues.

How can I check which email account is connected to an app?

You can check this by hovering over the info tooltip for the connection after clicking the dropdown button in the app row.

The Bot Account can be a cost-effective way to unlock access to information siloed across apps. For example, if you want the product team to access an app's data but don't want to pay for additional seats, you can grant the Bot Account email access to a seat in the app and add it to a channel with the product team. This way, everyone in the product team can access the app's information that they need.

Last updated